Between Two Worlds (1944)


Country: US
Technical: bw 112m
Director: Edward A. Blatt
Cast: John Garfield, Edmund Gwenn, Eleanor Parker, Paul Henreid, Sydney Greenstreet


Passengers aboard an ocean liner shrouded in fog gradually come to suspect they are on a very special kind of journey.


A remake of Outward Bound, itself based on a play, that demanded a gossamer texture but is here given hardcore realist Warners treatment, with strident acting from Garfield as a newspaper reporter. Luxury liner and all, it would seem a comforting kind of limbo, but of course the real peace lies within, and these characters have their share of issues. Not a wholesale success then, but one of a number of films at the time dealing with the afterlife (Here Comes Mr Jordan, Heaven Can Wait), for obvious reasons.

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Country: US
Technical: bw 112m
Director: Edward A. Blatt
Cast: John Garfield, Edmund Gwenn, Eleanor Parker, Paul Henreid, Sydney Greenstreet


Passengers aboard an ocean liner shrouded in fog gradually come to suspect they are on a very special kind of journey.


A remake of Outward Bound, itself based on a play, that demanded a gossamer texture but is here given hardcore realist Warners treatment, with strident acting from Garfield as a newspaper reporter. Luxury liner and all, it would seem a comforting kind of limbo, but of course the real peace lies within, and these characters have their share of issues. Not a wholesale success then, but one of a number of films at the time dealing with the afterlife (Here Comes Mr Jordan, Heaven Can Wait), for obvious reasons.

Country: US
Technical: bw 112m
Director: Edward A. Blatt
Cast: John Garfield, Edmund Gwenn, Eleanor Parker, Paul Henreid, Sydney Greenstreet


Passengers aboard an ocean liner shrouded in fog gradually come to suspect they are on a very special kind of journey.


A remake of Outward Bound, itself based on a play, that demanded a gossamer texture but is here given hardcore realist Warners treatment, with strident acting from Garfield as a newspaper reporter. Luxury liner and all, it would seem a comforting kind of limbo, but of course the real peace lies within, and these characters have their share of issues. Not a wholesale success then, but one of a number of films at the time dealing with the afterlife (Here Comes Mr Jordan, Heaven Can Wait), for obvious reasons.