Black Hawk Down (2001)


Country: US
Technical: Technicolor/Super 35 144m
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore, Eric Bana, William Fichtner, Ewen Bremner, Sam Shepard


1993, Somalia: international peacekeeping forces are in place in Mogadishu to stay the mutual killing of thousands by armed militia pertaining to opposing warlords. The Americans unilaterally mount an operation to snatch prisoners from a building occupied by militiamen, but their approach is expected and they find themselves caught in crossfire, their withdrawal hampered by roadblocks and complicated by detours to rescue fallen helicopters.


For a film based upon a very recent, and discomfiting, chapter in US foreign policy, this is at once a very old-fashioned bout of cowboys and indians and a surprisingly frank, ciné-vérité style record of a military disaster one would have thought it difficult to gloss otherwise. Inevitably, for a Bruckheimer film, there is the odd piece of Top Gun glorification but Scott ensures that the action is grippingly real, and the production is beyond reproach. (The title refers to the type of helicopter used to ferry assault forces to and from the drop zone.)

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Country: US
Technical: Technicolor/Super 35 144m
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore, Eric Bana, William Fichtner, Ewen Bremner, Sam Shepard


1993, Somalia: international peacekeeping forces are in place in Mogadishu to stay the mutual killing of thousands by armed militia pertaining to opposing warlords. The Americans unilaterally mount an operation to snatch prisoners from a building occupied by militiamen, but their approach is expected and they find themselves caught in crossfire, their withdrawal hampered by roadblocks and complicated by detours to rescue fallen helicopters.


For a film based upon a very recent, and discomfiting, chapter in US foreign policy, this is at once a very old-fashioned bout of cowboys and indians and a surprisingly frank, ciné-vérité style record of a military disaster one would have thought it difficult to gloss otherwise. Inevitably, for a Bruckheimer film, there is the odd piece of Top Gun glorification but Scott ensures that the action is grippingly real, and the production is beyond reproach. (The title refers to the type of helicopter used to ferry assault forces to and from the drop zone.)

Country: US
Technical: Technicolor/Super 35 144m
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore, Eric Bana, William Fichtner, Ewen Bremner, Sam Shepard


1993, Somalia: international peacekeeping forces are in place in Mogadishu to stay the mutual killing of thousands by armed militia pertaining to opposing warlords. The Americans unilaterally mount an operation to snatch prisoners from a building occupied by militiamen, but their approach is expected and they find themselves caught in crossfire, their withdrawal hampered by roadblocks and complicated by detours to rescue fallen helicopters.


For a film based upon a very recent, and discomfiting, chapter in US foreign policy, this is at once a very old-fashioned bout of cowboys and indians and a surprisingly frank, ciné-vérité style record of a military disaster one would have thought it difficult to gloss otherwise. Inevitably, for a Bruckheimer film, there is the odd piece of Top Gun glorification but Scott ensures that the action is grippingly real, and the production is beyond reproach. (The title refers to the type of helicopter used to ferry assault forces to and from the drop zone.)