Bonaparte et la Révolution (1971)


Country: FR
Technical: bw 275m
Director: Abel Gance
Cast: Annabella, Antonin Artaud, Pierre Batcheff, Eugénie Buffet, Albert Dieudonné


The career of France's greatest general, from youth to his invasion of Italy.


Gance was unable to leave his masterpiece alone, and this was no less than the fourth time he had either added sound or shot additional material. The results are unwieldy, though still shorter than the restored silent version, and the combination of historicity, narration and the interpolated original footage is just too uneven for the most comfortably upholstered fundaments.

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Country: FR
Technical: bw 275m
Director: Abel Gance
Cast: Annabella, Antonin Artaud, Pierre Batcheff, Eugénie Buffet, Albert Dieudonné


The career of France's greatest general, from youth to his invasion of Italy.


Gance was unable to leave his masterpiece alone, and this was no less than the fourth time he had either added sound or shot additional material. The results are unwieldy, though still shorter than the restored silent version, and the combination of historicity, narration and the interpolated original footage is just too uneven for the most comfortably upholstered fundaments.

Country: FR
Technical: bw 275m
Director: Abel Gance
Cast: Annabella, Antonin Artaud, Pierre Batcheff, Eugénie Buffet, Albert Dieudonné


The career of France's greatest general, from youth to his invasion of Italy.


Gance was unable to leave his masterpiece alone, and this was no less than the fourth time he had either added sound or shot additional material. The results are unwieldy, though still shorter than the restored silent version, and the combination of historicity, narration and the interpolated original footage is just too uneven for the most comfortably upholstered fundaments.