La bête humaine (1938)


Country: FR
Technical: bw 99m
Director: Jean Renoir
Cast: Jean Gabin, Simone Simon


An engine driver on the railways has an affair with the boss's wife and murders her.


Modernizaton of Zola, fitting nicely into the doom-laden poetic-realist genre Gabin seemed to make his own in the thirties.

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Country: FR
Technical: bw 99m
Director: Jean Renoir
Cast: Jean Gabin, Simone Simon


An engine driver on the railways has an affair with the boss's wife and murders her.


Modernizaton of Zola, fitting nicely into the doom-laden poetic-realist genre Gabin seemed to make his own in the thirties.

Country: FR
Technical: bw 99m
Director: Jean Renoir
Cast: Jean Gabin, Simone Simon


An engine driver on the railways has an affair with the boss's wife and murders her.


Modernizaton of Zola, fitting nicely into the doom-laden poetic-realist genre Gabin seemed to make his own in the thirties.