La Belle Époque (2019)


Country: FR
Technical: col/2.35:1 115m
Director: Nicolas Bedos
Cast: Daniel Auteuil, Fanny Ardant, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Pierre Arditi


A disillusioned cartoonist is thrown out by his life partner, and his son and an old acquaintance to whom he once showed kindness together plot to rekindle something of his former optimism. Their vehicle for so doing is an elaborate theme park for the ultra-rich, in which given times and places are recreated to the minutest detail for their gratification.


Something of The Truman Show hovers over this enterprise which, being French, is both wittier and more poignant. In attempting to recapture the magic of thier first encounter, its hero rediscovers a purpose to life but at the cost of falling in love by proxy; meanwhile, the young couple cannot get started because he is a 'metteur-en-scène' and she only a 'figurante'. Auteuil and Dillier excel as the lovers manqués, and Bedos rivals Hazanavicius as a showman for whom nothing is too elaborate, too outrageous. In short, cinephilia is everywhere, and it is a treat for lovers of nostalgia too, especially 1974.

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Country: FR
Technical: col/2.35:1 115m
Director: Nicolas Bedos
Cast: Daniel Auteuil, Fanny Ardant, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Pierre Arditi


A disillusioned cartoonist is thrown out by his life partner, and his son and an old acquaintance to whom he once showed kindness together plot to rekindle something of his former optimism. Their vehicle for so doing is an elaborate theme park for the ultra-rich, in which given times and places are recreated to the minutest detail for their gratification.


Something of The Truman Show hovers over this enterprise which, being French, is both wittier and more poignant. In attempting to recapture the magic of thier first encounter, its hero rediscovers a purpose to life but at the cost of falling in love by proxy; meanwhile, the young couple cannot get started because he is a 'metteur-en-scène' and she only a 'figurante'. Auteuil and Dillier excel as the lovers manqués, and Bedos rivals Hazanavicius as a showman for whom nothing is too elaborate, too outrageous. In short, cinephilia is everywhere, and it is a treat for lovers of nostalgia too, especially 1974.

Country: FR
Technical: col/2.35:1 115m
Director: Nicolas Bedos
Cast: Daniel Auteuil, Fanny Ardant, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier, Pierre Arditi


A disillusioned cartoonist is thrown out by his life partner, and his son and an old acquaintance to whom he once showed kindness together plot to rekindle something of his former optimism. Their vehicle for so doing is an elaborate theme park for the ultra-rich, in which given times and places are recreated to the minutest detail for their gratification.


Something of The Truman Show hovers over this enterprise which, being French, is both wittier and more poignant. In attempting to recapture the magic of thier first encounter, its hero rediscovers a purpose to life but at the cost of falling in love by proxy; meanwhile, the young couple cannot get started because he is a 'metteur-en-scène' and she only a 'figurante'. Auteuil and Dillier excel as the lovers manqués, and Bedos rivals Hazanavicius as a showman for whom nothing is too elaborate, too outrageous. In short, cinephilia is everywhere, and it is a treat for lovers of nostalgia too, especially 1974.