The Bear (1988)



Country: FR
Technical: col/scope 98m
Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud
Cast: Bart, Youk (bears), Jack Wallace


An orphaned bear cub in 1885 British Columbia finds a father and comes into contact with hunters and other perils.


The are reminiscences here of Bambi and The Living Desert-type Disney true-life adventures, but also of Quest for Fire in its conception (lots of authenticity and care gone into the making). A shame that the characterisation of the cub is at times a shade too anthropomorphic, with its childlike whimpers, but the film is gripping, miraculous in its realisation, and looks a treat (shot in the Dolomites).

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Country: FR
Technical: col/scope 98m
Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud
Cast: Bart, Youk (bears), Jack Wallace


An orphaned bear cub in 1885 British Columbia finds a father and comes into contact with hunters and other perils.


The are reminiscences here of Bambi and The Living Desert-type Disney true-life adventures, but also of Quest for Fire in its conception (lots of authenticity and care gone into the making). A shame that the characterisation of the cub is at times a shade too anthropomorphic, with its childlike whimpers, but the film is gripping, miraculous in its realisation, and looks a treat (shot in the Dolomites).


Country: FR
Technical: col/scope 98m
Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud
Cast: Bart, Youk (bears), Jack Wallace


An orphaned bear cub in 1885 British Columbia finds a father and comes into contact with hunters and other perils.


The are reminiscences here of Bambi and The Living Desert-type Disney true-life adventures, but also of Quest for Fire in its conception (lots of authenticity and care gone into the making). A shame that the characterisation of the cub is at times a shade too anthropomorphic, with its childlike whimpers, but the film is gripping, miraculous in its realisation, and looks a treat (shot in the Dolomites).