The Bounty (1984)


Country: GB/US/NZ
Technical: col/2.39:1 133m
Director: Roger Donaldson
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Bernard Hill, Edward Fox


A more 'psychological' account of the infamous mutiny, with a Bligh read as a less melodramatic villain and a Christian who really does struggle within himself to betray a man he respects and loves.


More time than usual is spent on the Captain's voyage to East Timor in a lifeboat with his loyalists, and Christian's 'compromised' freedom in Polynesia, but it was a troubled production. Originally to have been a David Lean project, it went well over budget for a costume picture at that time and, like Goldcrest's Revolution, failed to recoup its millions at the box office. Hopkins is as compelling as you would expect as Bligh, while Gibson delivers a method-inflected performance of a man torn apart by conflicting loyalties.

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Country: GB/US/NZ
Technical: col/2.39:1 133m
Director: Roger Donaldson
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Bernard Hill, Edward Fox


A more 'psychological' account of the infamous mutiny, with a Bligh read as a less melodramatic villain and a Christian who really does struggle within himself to betray a man he respects and loves.


More time than usual is spent on the Captain's voyage to East Timor in a lifeboat with his loyalists, and Christian's 'compromised' freedom in Polynesia, but it was a troubled production. Originally to have been a David Lean project, it went well over budget for a costume picture at that time and, like Goldcrest's Revolution, failed to recoup its millions at the box office. Hopkins is as compelling as you would expect as Bligh, while Gibson delivers a method-inflected performance of a man torn apart by conflicting loyalties.

Country: GB/US/NZ
Technical: col/2.39:1 133m
Director: Roger Donaldson
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Bernard Hill, Edward Fox


A more 'psychological' account of the infamous mutiny, with a Bligh read as a less melodramatic villain and a Christian who really does struggle within himself to betray a man he respects and loves.


More time than usual is spent on the Captain's voyage to East Timor in a lifeboat with his loyalists, and Christian's 'compromised' freedom in Polynesia, but it was a troubled production. Originally to have been a David Lean project, it went well over budget for a costume picture at that time and, like Goldcrest's Revolution, failed to recoup its millions at the box office. Hopkins is as compelling as you would expect as Bligh, while Gibson delivers a method-inflected performance of a man torn apart by conflicting loyalties.