Deadpool (2016)


Country: US
Technical: col/2.39:1 108m
Director: Tim Miller
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller, Ed Skrein


A former special operations serviceman is diagnosed with terminal cancer and volunteers for a superhero programme which turns him into a freak. He then uses his powers to wreak vengeance on his abusers.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe went 'adult' with this 'R' rated entry in the X-Men stakes, meaning four-letter words, sex references and gory violence obtain throughout. Which led to complications with oversees certification even if - commercially - the gamble paid off: costing $58 million to make, the film grossed over 13 times that amount globally. However, in adopting a modishly flippant 'Smokin' Aces' delivery to tell a superhero story, the makers eviscerate the genre morally speaking, leaving the film to continue its spiral towards the lowest common denominator in its, presumably male adolescent, audience. Jokey self-reflexivity and a redundant double flashback structure do nothing to engage dramatic interest. The work's success, and priming for sequeldom, was another depressing indicator of the lack of imagination and ethics in commercial film-making stateside.

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Country: US
Technical: col/2.39:1 108m
Director: Tim Miller
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller, Ed Skrein


A former special operations serviceman is diagnosed with terminal cancer and volunteers for a superhero programme which turns him into a freak. He then uses his powers to wreak vengeance on his abusers.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe went 'adult' with this 'R' rated entry in the X-Men stakes, meaning four-letter words, sex references and gory violence obtain throughout. Which led to complications with oversees certification even if - commercially - the gamble paid off: costing $58 million to make, the film grossed over 13 times that amount globally. However, in adopting a modishly flippant 'Smokin' Aces' delivery to tell a superhero story, the makers eviscerate the genre morally speaking, leaving the film to continue its spiral towards the lowest common denominator in its, presumably male adolescent, audience. Jokey self-reflexivity and a redundant double flashback structure do nothing to engage dramatic interest. The work's success, and priming for sequeldom, was another depressing indicator of the lack of imagination and ethics in commercial film-making stateside.

Country: US
Technical: col/2.39:1 108m
Director: Tim Miller
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller, Ed Skrein


A former special operations serviceman is diagnosed with terminal cancer and volunteers for a superhero programme which turns him into a freak. He then uses his powers to wreak vengeance on his abusers.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe went 'adult' with this 'R' rated entry in the X-Men stakes, meaning four-letter words, sex references and gory violence obtain throughout. Which led to complications with oversees certification even if - commercially - the gamble paid off: costing $58 million to make, the film grossed over 13 times that amount globally. However, in adopting a modishly flippant 'Smokin' Aces' delivery to tell a superhero story, the makers eviscerate the genre morally speaking, leaving the film to continue its spiral towards the lowest common denominator in its, presumably male adolescent, audience. Jokey self-reflexivity and a redundant double flashback structure do nothing to engage dramatic interest. The work's success, and priming for sequeldom, was another depressing indicator of the lack of imagination and ethics in commercial film-making stateside.