The Drover's Wife (2021)


(The Drover's Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson)

Country: AUS
Technical: col/2.35:1 109m
Director: Leah Purcell
Cast: Leah Purcell, Anthony Cogin, Rob Collins, Jessica De Gouw


In the Snowy Mountains at the turn of the twentieth century, a traumatised woman defends her four children with a rifle and impresses the newly arrived police sergeant and his ailing wife, a writer and defender of the rights of abused women. Meanwhile there are truths to be unearthed and debts to be paid concerning her drover husband and the aboriginal fugitive wanted for the murder of a family of whites.


The longwinded title and convoluted storytelling are as one, but the sense of place is well caught by some breathtaking cinematography, at times resorting to time lapse to impart a sense of immanence. The central relationship recalls that of Will Penny (1967) with a race angle, and the film is an impassioned plea on behalf of beaten wives everywhere.

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(The Drover's Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson)

Country: AUS
Technical: col/2.35:1 109m
Director: Leah Purcell
Cast: Leah Purcell, Anthony Cogin, Rob Collins, Jessica De Gouw


In the Snowy Mountains at the turn of the twentieth century, a traumatised woman defends her four children with a rifle and impresses the newly arrived police sergeant and his ailing wife, a writer and defender of the rights of abused women. Meanwhile there are truths to be unearthed and debts to be paid concerning her drover husband and the aboriginal fugitive wanted for the murder of a family of whites.


The longwinded title and convoluted storytelling are as one, but the sense of place is well caught by some breathtaking cinematography, at times resorting to time lapse to impart a sense of immanence. The central relationship recalls that of Will Penny (1967) with a race angle, and the film is an impassioned plea on behalf of beaten wives everywhere.

(The Drover's Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson)

Country: AUS
Technical: col/2.35:1 109m
Director: Leah Purcell
Cast: Leah Purcell, Anthony Cogin, Rob Collins, Jessica De Gouw


In the Snowy Mountains at the turn of the twentieth century, a traumatised woman defends her four children with a rifle and impresses the newly arrived police sergeant and his ailing wife, a writer and defender of the rights of abused women. Meanwhile there are truths to be unearthed and debts to be paid concerning her drover husband and the aboriginal fugitive wanted for the murder of a family of whites.


The longwinded title and convoluted storytelling are as one, but the sense of place is well caught by some breathtaking cinematography, at times resorting to time lapse to impart a sense of immanence. The central relationship recalls that of Will Penny (1967) with a race angle, and the film is an impassioned plea on behalf of beaten wives everywhere.