The Entity (1981)


Country: US
Technical: col/scope 125m
Director: Sidney J. Furie
Cast: Barbara Hershey, Ron Silver, David Labiosa


A suburban mother is tormented and sexually assaulted by a paranormal presence in her home.


Hershey gives this queasy enterprise far more of herself than it merits in an uncommonly brave performance, but despite the emotional payload she delivers she is overwhelmed by a production that throws the whole post-Exorcist/Poltergeist box of tricks at her, including every piece of furniture Furie's camera ever hid behind, to enervating effect.

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Country: US
Technical: col/scope 125m
Director: Sidney J. Furie
Cast: Barbara Hershey, Ron Silver, David Labiosa


A suburban mother is tormented and sexually assaulted by a paranormal presence in her home.


Hershey gives this queasy enterprise far more of herself than it merits in an uncommonly brave performance, but despite the emotional payload she delivers she is overwhelmed by a production that throws the whole post-Exorcist/Poltergeist box of tricks at her, including every piece of furniture Furie's camera ever hid behind, to enervating effect.

Country: US
Technical: col/scope 125m
Director: Sidney J. Furie
Cast: Barbara Hershey, Ron Silver, David Labiosa


A suburban mother is tormented and sexually assaulted by a paranormal presence in her home.


Hershey gives this queasy enterprise far more of herself than it merits in an uncommonly brave performance, but despite the emotional payload she delivers she is overwhelmed by a production that throws the whole post-Exorcist/Poltergeist box of tricks at her, including every piece of furniture Furie's camera ever hid behind, to enervating effect.